NOW! Individually Modified & Painted by CrazyAL
for a Special Spooky Holiday! A Los Dias de los Muertos tribute.
Available to the BEST OFFER!! Before 10-31-09!!!
Tiki #1 'Hiskey's Skull'

Going...! Gone!! '$400'


Tiki #2 'Hiskey's Ghost'

Going...! Gone!! '$250'

Tiki #3 'King of the Under-World'

Going...! Gone!! '$511!!'

Tiki #11 'Jack-O'

Going...! Gone!! '$155'

Tiki #12 'Bone Dancer'

Going...! Gone!! '$260'

Tiki #13 'Keeper of the Bones'

Going...! Gone!! '$450'

Tiki #18 'de los Muertos'

Going...! '$200'

Tiki #80 'Lucky?'

Going...! Gone!! '$300'

Tiki #107 'Lee's Bone Yard'

Going...! Gone!! '$500!!'

Kona Club 'Skull Island'

Going...! Gone !! '$300'

'HooDoo los VooDoo'

Going...! Gone!! '$490!!'

Each Crazy Mug is Signed with 10-31-09 Date Carved into Bottom

Find all the CrazyAL Tiki Gallery Line of Mugs with these links.
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